an aggregation of all things Jameson, Jamison, Jamieson, etc. |
Welcome - The Jam?son Family Network website is intended as a world wide, central repository for everything to do with the surname Jameson, Jamison, Jamieson, or any other spelling of the name. It is an effort to bring everyone interested in any or all individual, related, or even unrelated Jam?son families together into one place, so as to facilitate and study, as well as better understand those with the Jam?son surname amongst the many considerably different families. And, as a place to collaborate, cooperate and commiserate. Unlike many genealogy based websites, we do not take and then redisplay our users data. An almost unmanageable undertaking in depth and coordination, Rather, we redirect you to individual existing websites. This collection of individual efforts seems a more doable method, allowing expertise a little closer to the bone. This website and all of its content is the result of the efforts and cooperation of many contributors and collaborators, from around the world. We are an unstructured, global group of like minded people, dedicated to the idea of putting all of us different Jam?sons together, in one place, for our individual and collective benefit - a co-operative of Jam?son families. Please participate - If you have anything to do with a Jam?son family, please consider helping by adding your Jam?son related website to our list, or if you can, join in making this web presence better. At the very least, join our mailing list here and let us keep you up to date with our infrequent news e-mails. |
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